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Tricks with Autodesk Inventor Stretch Command - Page 2

By David Melvin, PE, TEDCF Publishing

The Stretch command is in the Modify panel of the Sketch tab. Open it, and then drag a box from right to left around the geometry. Notice that the box cuts through the lines defined by the 2.5 and 1 inch dimensions.

Tricks with Autodesk Inventor Stretch Command tat60-2

The next step is to select the Base Point. If you can select the origin I recommend that you use it. Check Precise Input, click the Base Point icon, and then select the origin.

Tricks with Autodesk Inventor Stretch Command tat60-3

When you select the origin you will receive a prompt asking if you want to allow Inventor to relax dimensions if necessary. Inventor is asking if it can change dimensions to make the operation succeed. I recommend that you click Yes to make the operation succeed, but you should also confirm that the dimensions are correct and the same after the operation. In most cases the dimensions will not change.

Tricks with Autodesk Inventor Stretch Command tat60-4

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