Autodesk Inventor® 2020-2021
Tube & Pipe Routed Systems

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Autodesk Developer Network

Leverage the Tube and Pipe module!

The Inventor 2020-2021: Tube & Pipe Routed Systems course is another course anyone using Inventor should watch. Many of Autodesk Inventor's module work the same way. So learning how the Tube and Pipe module works gives you a strong insight into how other modules work. It covers the details of how the Tube and Pipe module works and how to leverage it to get the results you want.

You might have tried to use the Tube and Pipe module and found it difficult to use. It is one of the hardest modules to master, but it's easy once you know the tips and tricks presented in this course. Learn a few tricks and procedures and you're well on your way to creating tube and pipe routes and runs.

You'll learn how to create Tube and Pipe styles, how to publish custom iPart families to the Content Center, and how to automatically populate routes with custom parts you create as well as standard Content Center parts.

Another problem people typically have with this module is creating stable and editable assemblies. You create a run and the next thing you know everything has moved or disappeared altogether. This won't be a problem after watching this course. You'll be able to easily edit your assemblies and they will be stable. It's not hard work, just smart work.

Autodesk Inventor 2020-2021: Tube and Pipe Routed Systems video course provides a strong insight into how to use Inventor's Tube and Pipe module.

57 Lessons (Listed Below)

5.1 hours of instruction

You can also browse through the lessons from the following Inventor 2020-2021 courses and watch sample lessons.

Inventor 2020-2021: Solid Modeling Inventor 2020-2021: Assemblies and Advanced Concepts Inventor 2020-2021: 2D Drafting and Customization Inventor 2020-2021: Sheet Metal Design Inventor 2020-2021: Tube and Pipe Routed Systems Inventor 2020-2021: Inventor Studio Made Simple Inventor 2020-2021: iLogic Made Simple Inventor 2020-2021: Fea Made Simple Inventor 2020-2021: Dynamic Simulation Made Simple

Our Inventor courses require No Installation. You can watch them on any device connected to the internet.

You will receive an email containing your User Name and Password. Login to your account and start learning. It's that easy.

While you're logged into your account you can download files used in the courses, watch lessons, and practice the tasks taught in the lessons. Keep in mind that you will use your installation of Inventor to practice.

Get your Inventor 2020-2021 training now. You can start learning in minutes.

Autodesk Inventor® 2020-2021:
Tube & Pipe Routed Systems

No Installation Required

Watch from any device connected to the internet.

Inventor 2020-2021: Tube & Pipe Routed Systems

$54.95 - $109.95

Watch Sample Lessons

Watch the first hour of the Solid Modeling course for Autodesk Inventor 2020-2021.

Inventor 2020-2021 Sample LessonsClick to Watch!

Tube & Pipe Routed Systems

5.1 hours of instruction


Content Center File Locations
Introduction to Routed Systems
Intro to Tube and Pipe Styles
BOMs and Routed Systems
BOM Customization
Adopting a Structured Process
Copying Tube and Pipe Styles
Custom Tube and Pipe Styles
Tube and Pipe Style Rules
Dimensioning Autoroutes
BOM Consolidation
Import Export Styles
Tube and Pipe Templates
3D Route Tool Ridged Pipe
Stock Pipe and Deleting Nodes
Tube and Pipe Authoring
Engagement Range Settings
Inline Authored Components
Replacing Fittings
Connecting Fittings
Inserting Fittings
Custom iPart Requirements
Custom Pipe iPart Styles
Custom Coupling iPart Styles
Custom Elbow iPart Styles
Custom Reducer iPart Styles
Custom Valve iPart Styles
Custom Tube and Pipe Library
Batch Publishing iParts
Testing Published iParts
Setting Up Custom iPart Styles
Preparing Assemblies
Strategy for Editable Routes I
Strategy for Editable Routes II
Updating Styles
Constraining Autoroutes
Modifiable Assemblies
Derived Routes
Autoroutes vs Derived Routes
Phantom Route Guide
Updating BOMs
System Defined Levels of Detail
Flexible Hose Styles
Flexible Hose Routes
Editing Hose Routes
Mastering Tubing Routes I
Mastering Tubing Routes II
Publishing Self Draining iParts
Custom Self Draining Styles
Self Draining Routes
Derived Assemblies
Reducers and Runs
Trick for Placing Fittings
Tricks for Constraining Routes
Connecting Runs

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